Begin your journey to order ZimVie customized solution
All ZimVie orders are conveniently placed through an "Order over the Web" (OOTW) workflow:
No need to install or upgrade software
Access your case data at any time after you have submitted your case
No investment costs are necessary for submitting a case
Now, how can you get started?
Login & Registration
Login if you already have an account or register as an existing or as a new ZimVie Customer
Log in with your existing email and password if you have previously used ZimVie Milling Services
Enter the email and password you previously created while registering to the portal
Can't remember your password? No problem!
You can always click on "Reset password" and you will receive an e-mail with credentials in order to create a new password.
Register as an existing customer
- Create a new portal account by adding your ZimVie Customer Number
- You will need to accept our Terms & Conditions of Sales, which you can read by clicking on them
- After clicking on Sign Up you will receive an email to your companies email address, which contains a link
- Opening this link will bring you to a new form where you can provide your credentials for your account
Where can you find your ZimVie Customer number?
On any invoice you have received from ZimVie, on the upper right corner.

Register as a new customer: If you are not a ZimVie Customer (i.e. you have not used any of our services or purchased any of our products) and you do not have a Customer Number, then we will need to add your information into our internal database before you can log in and create your first project with us!
- To become a ZimVie customer you have to provide your information: Name, Email, create a password, and company information (i.e. Company name, company e-mail, phone, identification number, and address)
- You will also need to accept our Data Privacy agreement, which you can read by clicking on them
This process can take some days, but as soon as the onboarding into our database is ready you will receive an email and you can immediately begin using our services!
Follow your activity on the web portal
By clicking on “My Account” you will be redirected to your dashboard, where you will be able to see a summary of all your activity in the portal
- Your account/personal information
- The milling center calendar
- Follow your support requests
- A clear timeline of all your projects.
- A summary of all the cases you have sent to the milling center, here you can also track their progress ( if you click on “Create” you will be directed to the case upload page and you will be able to create a new case )
Upload your case
Click on the “Case Upload” tab or go into your dashboard by clicking on “My Account”
You can directly go to upload your cases by clicking on the "Upload your case" tab, which you will be able to see once you are logged in
You will be immediately redirected to the page where you can begin the ordering process
- In the case upload page, you will be able to add any important information about the patient and the project as well as any pertinent notes that you think might be of use for the milling center.
Automatic upload
1. Click “Upload” and choose your folder with the finished design (.stl file) and your .constructioninfo file created with your preferred CAD software.
2. After uploading all your files you will be able to see all the detailed information about your order:
- Position of each restoration
- Materials and indications
- Implant type and material
- Color
- 3D view of each restoration
Order Summary
Review your order and make sure everything is corect before submitting it
Order Summary
1. Click order and continue to review your order summary
2. Make sure that all your products and quantities are correct before proceeding to checkout
3. Review your billing and shipping addresses
4. You will then see the final summary of your order and all your personal data, if everything is correct click on “Accept and Sign” in order to confirm your order
Order Tracking and Production
Track the status of your order while it is in production
Go to your dashboard and see all your cases and the status of each one
1. Ready to order: case started but not proceeded to checkout
2. Ready to sign: checkout ready but still need to sign and accept
3. In Production: production has started
4. Shipped: the products were shipped and the package can be tracked from here
It´s on the way!
Once ready, your products will be shipped to your previously chosen address.
If you require assistance through any step of the process, contact our Digital Technology Support team in your preferred languages