Biomet 3i UK Ltd, hereinafter “ZimVie”, with address at One, Glass Wharf, Bristol, BS2 0ZX , United Kingdom , hereby informs you that any personal data provided or to be provided by you, hereinafter the “Customer”, to ZimVie have been or will be processed by ZimVie in its condition of data controller.

You may contact the Data Protection Officer in writing to the attention of ZimVie Privacy officer at in accordance with ZimVie EMEA Data Privacy notice .


The purposes and lawful bases for the collection and processing of your personal data are the following:

(a) To develop, implement and monitor the contractual relationship between ZimVie and the Customer –including the resolution of questions, queries or issues arising therefrom–, on the basis of the execution and performance of the contractual relationship itself;

(b) To comply with the legal obligations to which ZimVie is subject (commercial, tax, etc.), on the basis of compliance with said applicable laws; and

(c) On the lawful basis of our legitimate interest, for the following purposes:
•To send you commercial communications relating to products offered by ZimVie, including offers, promotions and information regarding events and/or training, educational or similar courses organized by ZimVie on its own products; and
• To prevent and fight fraud.
• If you are a health professional providing services to any of our dental labs, we may process your identification and professional data received from the latter to allow the correct identification and tracking of our products, which helps us to streamline processes and minimize errors.

For these purposes, ZimVie has checked and analyzed that your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms are not seriously impaired or affected.


ZimVie may share your personal data with the following categories of recipients:

(a) Other Group entities. ZimVie will share your personal data with Zimmer Biomet Spine, Inc, Biomet 3i Limited and ZimVie Inc and other Group entities whenever necessary for the performance of your contract or on the basis of ZimVie’s legitimate interest for the internal administration of the Group. Furthermore, ZimVie may also share your personal data with the abovementioned Group entities for fraud prevention purposes on the basis of its legitimate interest.

(b) Data processors for the provision of professional services. ZimVie may also share personal data with third party service providers such as, for example, without limitation, external lawyers, auditors, debt collection agencies, marketing and communication agencies and delivery companies. Such providers will process the data exclusively for the provision of the services related to the development of the activities of ZimVie.

(c) Business operations. ZimVie may share your personal data to third parties with which it carries out a business operation such as a merger, division, global transfer of assets and liabilities, transfer or contribution of business or line of business, or any corporate restructuring operation of similar nature, under commercial laws, based on the legitimate interest in fulfilment of the operation.


ZimVie may transfer your personal data to the categories of recipients above, some of which are located in countries outside the European Union, including countries which do not offer a level of protection of the data similar to the one of the European Union. In these cases, the following safeguards will be implemented:

Biomet 3i LLC, Zimmer Biomet Spine Inc and ZimVie Inc
United States of America
Standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries
Data processors providing services to ZimVie such as audit and legal services, due diligence management and investigation services. 
United States of America
Standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries

If you wish to obtain a copy of these safeguards, you may contact the Data Protection Officer at the address indicated above.


ZimVie has implemented the technical and organizational security measures necessary to guarantee the security of your personal data.

Your rights with regard to the processing of your personal data

The Customer may exercise its rights of access, rectification, erasure, portability, restriction of processing and, as the case may be, objection and/or withdrawal of consent (in addition to the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing —including profiling—) in the terms and conditions provided under applicable data protection laws, by addressing to the following email address: in accordance with ZimVie EMEA Data Privacy notice

More information in this regard can be found in the website of the British Data Protection Authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office: (

Additionally, the Customer has the right to address any claim or request to the British Data Protection Authority with regard to data protection.


Your personal data will be retained while the contractual relationship with ZimVie remains enforceable and, afterwards, according to the timescales indicated in the applicable legislation based on the treatments performed or, where appropriate, until you request to have your data erased or express your opposition to said treatments. Afterwards, data will be deleted.

Should the Customer during the contractual relationship provide ZimVie with personal data regarding third parties (for instance, patients or health professionals), the Customer guarantees to (i) ensure and document properly the appropriate lawful basis for such a disclosure; (ii) inform the data subjects about this circumstance, including the provision of the present Privacy Policy; and (iii) share with us exclusively the information that is complete, accurate and strictly necessary to achieve our purposes of processing. The Customer will be the only one responsible in case of breach of said guarantees.

Biomet 3i (UK & Ireland) Ltd.
One, Glass Wharf, Bristol, BS2 0ZX , United Kingdom

Unless otherwise indicated, as referenced herein, all trademarks are the property of ZimVie; and all products are manufactured by one or more of the dental subsidiaries of ZimVie, Inc. (Biomet 3i, LLC, Zimmer Dental, Inc., etc) and marketed and distributed by ZimVie Dental and its authorized marketing partners. For additional product information, please refer to the individual product labeling or instructions for use. Product clearance and availability may be limited to certain countries/regions. This material is intended for clinicians only and does not comprise medical advice or recommendations. Distribution to any other recipient is prohibited. This material may not be copied or reprinted without the express written consent of ZimVie Dental. ZV0084ES REV A 04/22 ©2022 ZimVie. All rights reserved.